Becoming a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Throughout academic career:

  • Maintain a good GPA (3.0 or better,) especially in science, math and writing courses.
  • Become involved in extracurricular activities.
  • Seek work and volunteer experiences related to the field.
  • Collect positive feedback and evaluations from faculty.
  • Develop a mentoring relationship with your advisor or another faculty member.
  • Determine where you want to apply for a program and identify their admission criteria.

Fall semester of final year:

  • Review Directory of Accredited Dietetics Programs:
  • Contact program directors by mail, e-mail, or on home pages to let them know of your interest.
  • RSVP for open houses. NDEP publishes Open House listings:
  • Review each program’s application requirements carefully as they may differ slightly from site to site.
  • October: Request faculty and other references; have them in hand by December 1st. Provide a resume, complete instructions, and all needed forms or materials. Plan ahead and be respectful of their time.
  • November: Complete the Intent to Complete Information Form and immediately return it to the DPD (Dietetics Program Director) for signature. The Intent to Complete form is a required component unless the applicant has met DPD requirements and has a valid Verification Statement. An original, blue-ink signature is needed from that DPD Program Director.
  • December: Begin DICAS application and familiarize yourself with the matching timelines and calendar dates:

Spring semester of final year:

  • January: By the end of January, ECU MS pre-select applicants will be notified if they matched to the ECU DI.
  • February: Completed application packets must be submitted to DICAS by the mid-February date indicated on the website. In order to be matched, you must also sign up for D&D Digital computer matching service. You can apply to as many programs as you wish, but you will only be matched with one program. Some programs may require a personal or telephone interview.
  • April: Match Day! Internship Program Directors will receive the list of matched applicants. Applicants will be also be notified of the program they have been matched with by a date set by D & D Digital. You must notify the program of your acceptance or rejection of the match on that day, by following the directions in your notification letter. If you are not matched, it is advised to meet with your DPD Director and apply for graduate schools or the second-round match.

After successful completion of a supervised practice program:

  • You will be given another set of Verification Statements and you may apply to take the Registration Examination for Dietitians.
  • When you successfully pass the exam you are a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). Congratulations and best wishes.

For more information about becoming a Registered Dietitian you can visit the Academy’s website.